Many attorneys commonly as me how exactly they can utilize Facebook to better support their practice. These question commonly include:

1.) Isn't Facebook a social networking site?
2.) Does my law firm need a facebook page or personal pages for my attorneys?
3.) What are the advantages of having a Facebook page for marketing purposes?
Here are my responses to each:
Isn't Facebook a social networking site?
RESPONSE: Yes, not only is it a social networking site but it now has in excess of 500 Million + active users - many of which are potential clients of your law firm. There is an old saying in marketing that you need to "fish were the fish are." Your clients and potential clients are increasing on Facebook and you now have the ability to get your practice right in front of them while they are...on Facebook.
Does my law firm need a Facebook page or personal pages for my attorneys?
RESPONSE: Yes, ideally you need both but only if you can provide useful information related to both. If you can create "useful" information for others to read about your firm, you need a Facebook page for your firm. If you can create "useful" content for others to read about your attorneys, you need a Facebook page for your attorneys. The key here is making information USEFUL so others will want to read it.
What are the advantages of having a Facebook page for marketing purposes?
RESPONSE: The advantages of having Facebook pages are two fold:
1.) If you have a blog, your blog posts can be automatically populated to your Facebook pages for others to read. Why is this important? Because if you have a blog, most users will have to visit your blog in order to read your content. Conversely, if you have a Facebook page connected to your blog, then every user on Facebook who has indicated that they "like" your page will see your news on their Facebook home page. Better yet, if they like your content and then comment on it in Facebook, then their friends will see this as well - potentially leading more users to your Facebook page.
2.) Facebook pages are indexed in the search engines like Google in very similar manner as a website is. A good Facebook SEO consultant will be able to help improve the visibility of your Facebook pages and even allow them to compete for the top positions of targeted searches with your pages. A perfect example of this is to type in "law firm website design new york city" into Google and look at the top two results - one of which is one of my own Facebook Pages.
If you want to learn more about Facebook Search Engine Optimization tactics and how they can help your law firm, visit our website today at the SEO Consultant Firm